“The purpose of education in the future will not be to create people with heads crammed full of knowledge, but to rear children who know how to efficiently use their whole brain. Rearing children with enormous ability, rich creativity, and the capability to make use of a high proportion of their brain should be the goal of child rearing” — Professor Makoto Shichida, internationally renowned Japanese educator.
Diagnostic tests are a rage these days. There are online questionnaires on career counsellor websites, as well as examinations conducted during school hours that throw up a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of your child’s leanings towards a multitude of subjects. Of course, with your young one’s best interests at heart, each is powered by the objective of telescoping the ideal choice of career for your kid. Foxed by the melee? Don’t be. Simply deconstruct the mechanics for a better grasp:
Aptitude vs IQ Vs GenesAs opposed to an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test that turns in a score that is a measure of your general intelligence, aptitude tests funnel in a deeper reflection of your comprehension of many concepts, indicating your strengths and weaknesses. “Aptitude tests are simply tools that determine and measure your overall performance across a broad range of specific skill sets,” explains Sadaf Merchant, Head Assessment Analyst and Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Energia Wellbeing Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, that conducts such tests across several institutions across the country.
Shilpi Madan for DNA
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