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Care for a seven up?

This forced pause calls for a bit of clever self reinvention. Cue into tips

You are at home with the two most valuable currencies in your hand— love and time. Make the most of these to bring in self-love, care for your family, and enjoy the inner healing this sudden forced pause brings with it for each one of us. Discover new ways to develop a different rhythm to your day…

The forced pause calls for a reinvention. Here are seven simple ways to do this

Make a call 

Reach out and connect with your friends. Of course, you would rather catch up for coffee with your friends or meet up for drinks in the evening. Do that virtually. Yet, there are those special friends whom you always thought you would make time for and yet did not get around to doing so. Pick up the phone and call.

Teach a skill 

The burst of online courses and workshops promising to hone up your proficiency in everything — ranging from photoshop skills, to breathing right, to making munchies might make you feel that you are an average Joe even in your area of expertise. Fret not. Share what you know with others. Groom and train your pet.

Move it

Remember, home chores make up activity, not focused exercise. Add a challenge to an activity to morph it into a calorie-burning exercise: Make use of free sessions on Instagram (follow fitness experts) in boot camps, Zumba, power yoga, pilates, boxercise…. This helps in creating and sustaining a routine so that you do not slip into a state of limbo. 


Indulge in a spot of personal care. Go online, call up grandma, chalk out the concoctions in face packs and hair packs.

Shilpi Madan for Deccan Herald

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