Beauty Lifestyle

Lock-in goodness

With salons closed and nowhere to go, does self-care need to take a backseat? Here is how to feel beautiful even during a lockdown

You’re done with the talk on positivity, groomed and trained the dog, fed kids round the clock for seemingly endless days and morphed into the superhuman multi-tasker on roller skates, now focus on yourself. Bring in a dose of self-care for your skin and hair, lock in goodness and beam like the radiant sunflower. 

Hear for hair! Bring in the love for your tress potions and watch those locks shine!

Says Menaka Bhandary, founder, Blown, a luxury wine, hair and nail bar based in Bengaluru and Mumbai, “Oiling your hair brings in vital vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids that strengthen roots. Coconut oil can protect your lock from sun damage, dandruff and remove sebum build-up from hair follicles, accelerating hair growth.” Then there are ways of redeeming your scalp and fobbing off strand loss.

Try boiling curry leaves in coconut oil (olive oil is a better option if available), strain, and apply. Optionally, mix olive oil with honey and cinnamon powder to massage into your scalp. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash it off,” says Menaka. “The real winner is LOC: Leave-in, oil, and cream. Use water, then a lightweight oil like coconut, olive or almond. Follow this with shea butter or any creamy conditioner. Leave it in for a while and then wash thoroughly,” she says.

Shilpi Madan for Deccan Herald

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