
Pooch primp

Special trinkets for happy hounds, cuddly cats and more by jewellery designer Prernaa Makhariaa

If nothing gives you more joy than your puppy licking your face, you will love PJ, the first ever custom made pooch jewellery line launched by jewellery designer Prernaa Makhariaa.Her bespoke range, available online and at select pet stores, has four main collections—Stumped At Duck, Stadium, Century and Bai—all of which can be custom made in brass, silver and gold. “We added charms in both the bespoke and pret ranges to make the pieces wearable as a pendant, bracelet or watch or just as an accessory. The pret range is made in stainless steel, bringing in the use of brass as well to make the jewellery cost-effective,” she explains.

Primp up your pooch. Special trinkets for happy hounds, cuddly cats and more by jewellery designer Prernaa Makhariaa

An alumnus of Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and Gemological Institute of India (GII),  Prernaa has been in the gems business for almost 18 years. So why pet jewellery? “I used to have a doberman, Jackie, who I always wanted to dress up with accessories. But there wasn’t much available, especially in jewellery. That made me work on a special line for pets.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of every piece of PJ goes towards an NGO that feeds and offers services for stray animals,” she sharesWhat’s next? “Pet parent jewellery in which you can twin with your pet. Each piece is stamped with a unique customer code for specific customer records. Just like a jewellery store, we also offer re-polish services for the customers in case the jewellery gets dirty or worn out over a period of time.”

Shilpi Madan for Sunday Standard

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