Fashion Features Lifestyle Writing

Rock on! Nouveaux diamonds for progressive millennials

India’s first outlet for lab-farmed diamonds, Vandals, make a fun and fabulous splash

Food Lifestyle

Chickpea Goes Chic

The humble hummus undergoes a magical makeover to course through varying complexions and combinations

Decor Features Lifestyle Writing

Meet the Chairwoman

Saba Kapoor, founder and creative director, Nivasa Contemporary, has carved an unbeatable niche for herself

Fashion Lifestyle Writing

In Granny’s Fashionable Footsteps: the making of the fashion label, deWar

It is a label that her grandmother, Vanina de War, started with big dreams. In conversation with designer Sayana Gonzalez

Beauty Fashion Features Lifestyle Writing

Gems bond

Whether you’re globe-trotting, or chilling on home turf, semi-precious stones let you flaunt the latest fashion trends in jewellery without a severe wallet attack

Celebrity Fashion Lifestyle Writing

A Passion for Fashion

Fashion designer Payal Jain on crossing her silvery milestone in the fashion business