Shaky hands could be a sign of low levels of Vitamin B 12 in your body.

Shaky hands could be a sign of low levels of Vitamin B 12 in your body.
Everything means something. Recognise signs of failing health in that zit, mole, rash, yellow nails, noisy knees and more. These symptoms should raise alarm bells, follow these instructions to fix it where applicable, or consult a doctor.
It’s the Vitamin B 12 playing bummer, if you are experiencing bouts of fatigue and listlessness. Cue into your booster guide to prop up
Experiencing hair loss? If you are under 40, and have been big on biotin for long spells, pump up the vitamins and minerals to kick in cellular turnover and metabolic activity.
Unexplained and frequent tiredness is your body’s way of telling you that it’s not getting enough restful sleep, nutrients or exercise.
We have risen the ranks readily, in search of that elusive healthful balance in life, post the pandemic puzzle. Rediscovering the goodness of the Vedas, celebrating nervine preparations with Indic ingredients including saffron and ashwagandha; burning herbs like jatamasi and guggool to purify the environment and even grabbing a self-narrative in skincare that is making use of rituals and ingredients like khumani oil, walnut oils, kumkumadi tailum, use of pre and post biotics to strengthen our skin, and cannabis oil to zap away ailments