Celebrity Parenting

Television show host Tara Sharma Saluja is not afraid to be ambitious

Parenting is all about discovering your special moments, believes actress and mompreneur Tara Sharma Saluja

She is a successful mompreneur, television show host with her now definitive show on parenting, The Tara Sharma show, crossing over 5. 5 million organic “likes” on YouTube. The platform that invites celebrities to talk about their own childhoods, kids, issues concerning little people…is in its fifth successful season and Tara Sharma Saluja feels she owes it all to being a mom to her lovable tykes, Zen and Kai.

Excerpts from an interview:

So the boys are nine and seven now. What made you begin the show nine years ago?

See, I was never a big star. The roles dried up further once I became pregnant. This made me think of a work format that would let me be around my children as well as work. That is how the genesis of the show happened. I believe a different phase of my career started after my kids came along.

Parenting is all about discovering your special moments, believes actress and mompreneur Tara Sharma Saluja
It has to do with your ingenuity.

Of course. I had to re-tune my way of thinking, open up to reinvention. I did it at the right time. Look around now and you will see most moms are up and about, multi-tasking furiously.

A simple truth of life?

I love my kids, but I need to be working as that gives me satisfaction. Not just looking after my children. I work from home, am there when they return from school. I am around, writing my blog, enjoying productive meals with them during the course of the day, listening to them, playing with them, sharing things.

Be honest. Are you prone to yelling?

Of course (laughs). When things get out of control sometimes, I scream and shout. I am quite candid about that. When I look at calm parents around, I wonder how they stay so composed.

Another confession?

You never know what kind of a mom you will be till you become one. For instance, I am quite ambitious. I am not a very domestic person, I don’t like cooking either. Before I had kids, I thought I would leave them at home and go off for assignments and shoots. But once they were born, everything changed. My mother lives in the same building as us, so I have a great support system. But in all these years (including when my dad was alive), I have barely left them a couple of times and gone. I am not a good ‘leaver’ of kids. I am passionate about my young ones. I want to be there with them, for them, around them. So being planned, structured and systematic in my approach, I have developed and now own nine years of original show content. People often say that I could have got funding, gone places, how my peers are into much more…but I am happy, with my work-life balance.

Shilpi Madan for Indian Express

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